

Title: Energy sustainability for Adriatic small communities

Programme: IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme
Duration: 09/2011 – 12/2015
Website: www.alter-energy.eu
Alterenergy aimed to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy production across the Adriatic area. It was the first strategic project funded within the cross-border Cooperation Programme IPA-Adriatic 2007-2013, with a total budget of 12.5 Million Euro. The initiative relied on a partnership of 18 organizations, regions, ministries and energy agencies belonging to all the countries of the Adriatic area: Italy (7 Adriatic Regions), Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia*, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia and it is led by the Mediterranean Department of Puglia Region, with the scientific support of the Technology and Innovation Regional Agency (ARTI Puglia).
Pilot project implemented in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County*:
Installation of the renewable energy system, consisting of solar thermal collector system for water heating; photovoltaic system, 29,9kW, and heat pump, 90kW - located in the Kindergarten Čavle (Municipality of Čavle). The combination of photovoltaic panels, solar thermal collectors and heat pump enables the production of electric energy, heating and cooling the building by using renewable energy sources.
* Rea Kvarner provided administrative and technical support to Croatian project partner (Primorje-Gorski Kotar County).