Title: SMart green Innovative urban Logistics for Energy efficient Mediterranean cities
Programme: Transnational Cooperation Programme Mediterranean 2007-2013
Duration: 01/2013 – 04/2015
Website: smile-urbanlogistics.eu/
One of the key objectives for smart cities is the development and implementation of intelligent and sustainable mobility solutions. Urban areas consume up to 80% of the energy produced and transport is a leading sector consuming non-renewable energy and producing the biggest amount of greenhouse gas emissions in cities. In this context, urban freight distribution requires for innovative solutions able to rationalize and improve the efficiency of transport reducing the energy consumption and associated gas harmful emissions, and minimizing any kind of disruptions caused by this activity. The SMILE project therefore aimed to improve the energy efficiency of Mediterranean cities through the promotion of innovative ‘green’ cost‐efficient solutions for urban freight logistics as basis and cornerstone of green and smart urban development.
Pilot project implemented by REA Kvarner and the City of Rijeka:
There are 110 officially marked locations for goods delivery within the Rijeka city centre area, and the main pedestrian part of the city centre is accessible for any kind of goods delivery in almost unlimited timing and quantity. The pilot project that implemented in Rijeka involved the analysis of the usage of all existing delivery locations, defining and equipping access points to the main pedestrian area with automatic remotely operated barriers (hydraulically operated pilons), and proposing new City Rules for goods delivery. It also included placement of strategic traffic vehicle detectors, capable not only of counting, but also of differentiating various categories of vehicles. By automatic measuring of the impact on traffic flow (traffic congestion and CO2 reduction) and customer satisfaction before and after the application of the a.m. measures, it will be possible to implement similar measures on a larger city area.
Programme: Transnational Cooperation Programme Mediterranean 2007-2013
Duration: 01/2013 – 04/2015
Website: smile-urbanlogistics.eu/
One of the key objectives for smart cities is the development and implementation of intelligent and sustainable mobility solutions. Urban areas consume up to 80% of the energy produced and transport is a leading sector consuming non-renewable energy and producing the biggest amount of greenhouse gas emissions in cities. In this context, urban freight distribution requires for innovative solutions able to rationalize and improve the efficiency of transport reducing the energy consumption and associated gas harmful emissions, and minimizing any kind of disruptions caused by this activity. The SMILE project therefore aimed to improve the energy efficiency of Mediterranean cities through the promotion of innovative ‘green’ cost‐efficient solutions for urban freight logistics as basis and cornerstone of green and smart urban development.
Pilot project implemented by REA Kvarner and the City of Rijeka:
There are 110 officially marked locations for goods delivery within the Rijeka city centre area, and the main pedestrian part of the city centre is accessible for any kind of goods delivery in almost unlimited timing and quantity. The pilot project that implemented in Rijeka involved the analysis of the usage of all existing delivery locations, defining and equipping access points to the main pedestrian area with automatic remotely operated barriers (hydraulically operated pilons), and proposing new City Rules for goods delivery. It also included placement of strategic traffic vehicle detectors, capable not only of counting, but also of differentiating various categories of vehicles. By automatic measuring of the impact on traffic flow (traffic congestion and CO2 reduction) and customer satisfaction before and after the application of the a.m. measures, it will be possible to implement similar measures on a larger city area.
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